Baby Dedications

Why present your baby to the Lord?

Jesus Did It

If it’s good enough for Jesus, then it’s good enough for me. Jesus Christ was presented in the temple by his mother and father (you can find the complete story in Luke 2:22-40.

Practical Rearing in Christianity

I am going to make Mary’s baby dedication a teaching moment as she gets older and learns about Jesus Christ for herself. I can share the story of her being brought to the house of God to encourage her in her walk with Christ.

Maternal Instinct

I really believe the blessing prayed over our baby girl is REAL! She will be protected in this life in a supernatural way by the power of God through Jesus Christ.

Good Memories

It’s nice to have good memories of family life and dedication to God and each other to build the bond between our family members. As we grow older, remembrances such as these will strengthen our family relationships and endear us to one another.

If these points seem good to you, talk to your church leaders, and find out how you can bless your baby for a lifetime of prosperity, power, and peace.

Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

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