
Good-bye There is a good break-up Where two see eye to eye When it was not so easy To say good-bye What about those special moments The babes and kisses The touches and feels This man gives me chills So what happens now We are just friends Do we stay together Until the end A friend is better Than a lover any day Just another day To talk about Jesus sway Well he is the way To love forevermore Isn’t that what we really live for Love to never walk out that door But if you can’t make it In the tough times How do I know you won’t Leave me in the dust Crying for more of you…. It can be perfect It can be good It can be paid Just like it should Once again will you go Even though you told me no I told you so they will say Laughing in the ray Of the sun’s brilliant sparkle What if I just be remarkable Then what? Would you go? Would you stay? Would you tell me Don’t worry anyway At least you’re not going to hell Like some loud ringing the bell In life if that’s all I might just rather fall To sleep and never wake again Until you become my best friend Then I’ll laugh, then I’ll cry Then we’ll never say good-bye Now I’ll fly, now I’ll fly Whether you leave or say hi Can’t catch me even if you try Now adios, now good-bye

Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

Listen to the “Good-bye Part 1” poetry podcast and “Good-bye Part 2” or listen on iTunes, click on “Good-bye”

PS-This poetry podcast is in two parts, so make sure you listen to both Good-bye Part 1 and Good-bye Part 2.


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