
Ladies Ladies!

Wait your turn.

Ladies Ladies!

I know you

Want to burn.

We don’t have a churn.

What must we do

With all your fat?

Cast your money in the lot.

Your photos, your ghost.

You may leave.

You may go.

You may stay.

I want to see you

Without your clothes.

No red’s not in.

Neither are your knots.

You monkey bin.

You ugly geese.

I mean, pretty face.

You’re tall.

You’re short.

You’re fat.

You’re tart.

You’re yellow.

You’re green.

I don’t mean to judge.

I don’t want to cause a scene.

Line up in a single file.

If I see your butt,

If I see your smile,

If I see your hips,

I’ll see you now.

Love healing hearts,                                                                                                      Shirah Chante

Listen to the “Models” Poetry Podcast

or listen on iTunes, click on “Models” episode of Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!

Watch “Are Looks Important” on Youtube for more insight.

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