Preparing for Marriage

When I decided to get married, I immediately thought that I needed some sort of teaching on how to be married. See, I wanted a successful marriage, not one that ended in divorce like so many others out there. God hates divorce and so do I (Malachi 2:16). Therefore, I learned everything I could about marriage from the Holy Bible and godly women who teach biblical principles about marriage.

I was introduced to the writings of Debi Pearl by a dear friend of mine. She wrote a book titled Created to be His Help Meet which changed my entire outlook on marriage. This book was exactly what I wanted and needed to start out my marriage right. She gives examples in her own life and in the life of others that work to help you have a lovely marriage.

I urge you if you are a wife or if you are thinking about getting married to read Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. Also, study what the Holy Bible says about marriage and ask God to help you have a good marriage in the name of Jesus Christ.

Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

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