Silver, Sapphire, or Gold

Is true love silver, sapphire, or gold? Is true love accepting failures of aspired? How do I know if my true love is near? Rancor through many prospects. Hoping to find the love of my dreams. Is there such a being? Please guide me to unending luminance of love. I feel hope to find … but succumb to despair. Why does love constitute many broken hearts? In order to arrive at the true love destined for in thought. Why not settle for various positive characteristics, Instead of casting this love away? What can I say? There is an undying hope deep within my chest. I am hoping for the best. Is this quest unfathomable? Am I blind to undying faith? Surely faithful belief shall bring me peace. If not, I shall succumb in pain of desire, Of an undying love fueling my ravenous fire. Sure, he is out there! Waiting to pour out his unending love for me. Occurrence proved loves lower degree. My feelings were those of gratitude and ultimate despair. Another love story ends in flares. Unbridled pain and dying dreams, Love eternal exhilarates his themes. Farewell, love of mine. I’m hoping to find unconditional love divine. With a faithful soul so sent for me. For this very goal is undying seas. Should I settle for silver or sapphire or gold? That is the story told so promising and bold. Why do I doubt the existence of the sea? Is it not I in complete destiny! I’m looking for eternal love to share, Making love aware, stable, and fair. Brisk air takes me there, For my eternal love to share.

Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

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Watch “Should You Marry for Money?” for more insight

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