Ask and it Shall Be Given You

Abuse recovery is about regaining a sense of yourself and finding out who you are after your identity was stolen through sex abuse.

You must take the time to invest in your own self-awareness, self-worth, and self-confidence.

It may seem like hard work, but learning about yourself is fun as well as greatly beneficial to your growth. Even if you were never abused, you might still need to go through this process of self-discovery.

Start with God. If you wanted God to do anything for you, what would it be?

Maybe you want to know why God allowed you to be abused.

All you have to do is ask.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matthew 7:7)

Then, be patient, and wait on the answer.

Next, here’s an encouraging podcast to help you while you wait for God’s answer.

Love healing hearts Shirah Chante,

Helping You WIN in Relationships!

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