Days of Awe

Days of Awe

We are living in the Days of Awe, according to Judaism, these are the days between Rosh Hashana the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement for sins. These ten days are times for reflection on the old and the new, leaving the bad things behind and reaching for the light that guides us daily. For me, that light is my Lord Jesus Christ.

As I reflect on my past year, I AM pleased at the person I have become. I have grown spiritually, relocated back to my hometown of Texas, and gained a wonderful family. I have made mistakes in my relations with others, but I will overcome all my mishaps with the help of God.

What is awe? I think of the word awesome. There was a cheer we used to cheer when I was in middle school that went like this, “A-W-E-S-O-M-E, you’re awesome, you’re awesome, so totally!” Have you been awesome for the people in your life? If not, be awesome this year for those around you.

Love healing hearts,
Shirah Chante

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