Hi, my name is Shirah Chante, and I am a child of God. I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I was 12 years old and was baptized in water. As I grew, I faced challenges, but my destiny began to awaken, tied to the meaning of my name. My first name, Chante, means to sing, and my Hebrew name, Shirah, means song. Together, they form who I am. I am a song that sings.

I just want to know God…

That’s what I said when I decided to attend seminary at 25. while attending Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in Rochester, New York, the Lord called me to sing for Him. Though surprised, I embraced the calling. Over the years, this divine manifestation has blossomed, and today, I sing, write, draw  and heal for His glory.

I had the fortunate opportunity to study songwriting under two-time Oscar-winning songwriter Al Kasha when I attended The King’s University in Van Nuys, California. There, I attained a Graduate Certificate in Christian Ministry, concentrating on healing music composition.

I began playing guitar around the time I was baptized. I later rediscovered it at 25, which ignited a passion for songwriting. Alongside my musical journey, I am a poet and writer. These creative gifts have expanded into novels, poetry, and other artistic expressions, like drawing and painting. In 2010, the Holy Spirit gave me the phrase, healing hearts through the arts, which encapsulates my mission.

In 2013, the Lord told me to help His people with relationships, so, I am also a Relationship Coach. In 2024, He revealed another direction—to bless His people through music, writing, and drawings. I am also a healer, carrying the gift of healing in my hands, as guided by the Lord. Today, I sing, write, and draw for God. I share my journey to inspire and uplift others.

I just want to be holy…

This is what I prayed to God when I was nine years old sitting inside a Catholic church. I was being sexually abused by my older stepbrother, which scarred my life forever. That’s what led me to talk to God that day. I never want to be touched sexually against my will ever gain.

Some of my content may challenge traditional perspectives, but it reflects my personal journey of healing and truth because my childhood was unfortunately ridden with sexual abuse. As I grew older, things got worse for me. I was raped while attending college in New Orleans, Louisiana and was then taken advantage of sexually by my former boss. These experiences shaped much of my early life and led me down a path of sex, drugs and alcohol. I lived with the weight of brokenness for years, engaging in unhealthy relationships outside of marriage that were far from God’s plan.

Now, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I feel called to speak openly about these experiences. Some find my words uncomfortable. However, I know God has given me a voice to share my truth. Healing requires confronting the hard realities of life, and my testimony is one of redemption and restoration.

My Vision, My Mission, My Purpose

I just want to bless you…

That’s what God told me to do when I went to pray at the altar one Sunday morning at church. He said, “Bless my people!” When I began writing songs again, the Lord surprised me by leading me to create R&B music. This genre allows me to speak about love, sex, broken relationships, and healing in a raw and authentic way. It’s not traditional gospel or Christian contemporary music, but it’s the path God has given me. Through my songs, I bring light to the darkness. Through my words, I offer hope to those who are struggling with similar experiences.

I share my story because it is part of my calling. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. I trust God’s purpose in my life will reach those who need to hear these truths and be healed, transform your life and help you experience wonderful relationships.

God bless, Shirah Chante, Relationship Artist

5 Fabulous Facts

About Shirah Chante

I was the valedictorian of my preschool

I was the Most Outstanding Student in my elementary

I am an HBCU scholarship recipient

I attended the same seminary as Martin Luther King, Jr.

I studied songwriting with 2x Oscar Winner Al Kasha