Father Like None Other

Fathers are the most important people in the universe. Yes! That’s a bold statement, but I believe it’s true.

Why do I believe that you ask?

Well, it’s quite simple, two words, Father God.

The Creator of the entire universe decided to identify himself as a Father out of every other created being in the world.

YES! That’s profound.

Fathers hold a special place in the heart of their children whether they know it or not.

Fathers provide identity, protection and provision like none other.

Father’s, I celebrate you this weekend and forevermore.

Congratulations on being a Dad, Papa, Daddy, Abba, Grandpa, and Father.

Happy Father’s Day!

Love healing hearts, Shirah Chante

Helping You WIN in Relationships!

PS – Here’s a podcast I recorded called My Father Part 2 you can listen to for inspiration about fatherhood.

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