Thank you for joining me in exploring my favorite Torah portion Bo on Perfect Body podcast. If you’re familiar with the schedule, you’ll know we’re diving into these portions a week after the traditional timeline, which I appropriately call afterthoughts. This week is all about diving deep into Exodus, specifically chapters 10-13, where we encounter the final plagues and the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt.
Perfect Bodies and Divine Inspection
Begin by picturing this: You, me, and a shared commitment to understanding God’s word. This week’s study opens with a reflection on the notion of a “perfect body,” a framework inspected by divine love and understanding. I often think of our studies as an opportunity to inspect and understand our spiritual selves, much as we would appraise a perfect, finely-tuned body.
A Quick Recap
Last week, we discussed the initial plagues and the call to Let My People Go, a loud cry for freedom that preceded the plagues Pharaoh and his people endured. The journey we’re following shows us the importance of having faith during times of adversity, something I hope you’re building upon.
Conversations with God
These passages remind us that God calls us to extraordinary purposes, sometimes when we least expect it. Take Moses, who was 80 years old when called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. It’s a powerful reminder that it’s not too late to make a meaningful impact. Have you ever been asked by God to do something unexpected? You might feel unqualified, like Moses felt at first, but step out with courage anyway, knowing God is with you every step of the way.
Deliverance and Justice
We explore the series of plagues that include locusts and darkness, leading to the final, bondage breaking plague, the death of the firstborn in Egypt. It’s unfathomable to imagine the mourning and the grief of that night. It’s also an unthinkable testimony of faith for the Israelites, who spread the blood of the lamb on their doorposts to avoid the angel of death. This story asks us to trust God with our struggles and to understand that vengeance is not ours to seek. God, as the ultimate Avenger, is prepared to set things right in a way we never could.
God’s Family Plan
The essence of this week’s lesson is God’s desire for wholeness. Pharaoh, through various tactics, attempted to divide and weaken Israel through separation and poverty. Yet, God’s plan was always for His people to remain united and leave Egypt whole and wealthy so that they could worship God in true freedom.
One important note to make, wholeness isn’t just about the traditional family unit. God can make us whole no matter the starting point. Whether you’re a single parent, in a traditional family, or divorced and dating, wholeness comes from God’s presence in our lives, not our circumstances.
Embracing Wholeness
Finally, this week’s portion ends with the premise that God is preparing us for a life of wholeness, enriched by His eternal love. This preparation is kin to the sacrifice of the lamb during Passover, a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ, the lamb of God. It’s a wonderful reminder of faith and redemption.
If you believe in this message, I invite you to openly embrace it. Believe in the divine plan, feel secure in the love of Jesus, and welcome this journey toward spiritual fulfilment and togetherness.
Until next time, keep loving God, love you, and love the people in your life.
God bless, Shirah Chante, Relationship Artist
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