I Do

black and silver ring

The demonic realm has found a home

America where have you gone

Satan is operating everywhere

Causing a great big scare

In people galore

While I was at the store

I preached Jesus

We must wait I said

As I prayed before going to bed

I pray the Lord my soul to keep

My soul is meek

I am weak

But He is strong

Sing the song

Play along on your guitar

For a couple of bars

Gay as they sway

Spitting in my face

Waiting to get laced

Or laid

Is that a spade

I just played

Well I did see

Someone with sobriety

As I drove down the street

Jesus is the only way to God

I see

You want me to believe

I do I do I do


Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

Relationship Artist

PS +Listen to the poetry reading of the poem “I Do” on my poetry podcast called Relationship Rock. Building relationships That Last!

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