Life for Life: A Powerful Testimony and Lesson on Reaping and Sowing

I’m so glad you’ve found your way here today. Whether you’re a new friend or someone who has journeyed with me before, thank you for sharing a moment of your life with me. I believe that our meeting is not by accident, but part of a larger purpose, and I hope this message will inspire, motivate, and bless you. Together, let’s explore a powerful testimony, one that speaks to the heart and soul of our actions and their consequences.

Relationships and Music

I’m Shirah Chante, a relationship artist who believes in healing hearts through the arts and the word of God. On my show, Relationship Rock, I share original songs that aim to build relationships that last. Today, I want to discuss the principles of reaping and sowing, often known as the law of karma. This principle is beautifully brought to life in a song I wrote called Dark World, particularly in its bridge and chorus.

The Law of Reaping and Sowing

Let’s dive into a vital truth: “For whatever a man sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). This divine law emphasizes that our actions, both good and bad, come back to us. It’s a natural principle in life and one that I’ve personally experienced.

A Personal Story: Understanding Consequences

Allow me to share a deeply personal story. Years ago, a friend told me his girlfriend was pregnant, a situation he wasn’t ready to face. I made the regrettable decision to help him pay for an abortion. At that time, I didn’t recognize the gravity of this choice. I simply believed the hype they taught me in sex-ed about abortion, like, it’s not really a baby and it’s just a blob of tissue.

Fast forward a decade, I met someone who I thought was the answer to my prayers for a husband. Despite warnings from friends, I engaged in a sexual relationship with him, which resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Joy quickly turned to sorrow as I suffered a miscarriage soon after finding out I was pregnant.

Life for Life: A Lesson Learned

Through prayer and supplication, it became painfully clear that I was experiencing a consequence of my past actions, a real life example of the law of reaping and sowing. Helping end my friend’s baby’s life ten years before led to the loss of my own unborn child, a heart-wrenching lesson of life for life.

A Call to Choose Life

If you find yourself facing a decision about the life of your unborn baby, I urge you to consider this testimony. Understand that every decision has consequences. Choose to bring life into this world and trust in God’s plan for you and your child. Abortion carries unbearable consequences that can follow you throughout your life.

Closing Thoughts and a Prayer

I didn’t want to share this story today, but felt led to offer this testimony as a warning and a hope. I pray that this message reaches you and encourages you to value the life yet to be born. I hope you find the heart to love and protect the sacredness of life. Remember to love God, love yourself, and love others. 

Please share this message with others who will benefit from this message. Through every choice, we’re crafting our legacy of love and life.

God bless, Shirah Chante, Relationship Artist

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