Me, a Scapegoat? Hell No!

Some people want to have all the fun and get all the blessings without even working for them.

Here’s what I mean.

Have you ever heard of the saying “you reap what you sow?” “Yes, of course,” you might say or “no, tell me more.”

Ok. Well, this saying is called a spiritual law. These are laws of the Lord God that have been present before the beginning of all time and made manifest to the sons of men or humans. These laws are unalterable, sort of like the laws of the Medes and Persians, but much more intense!

Let’s start off by reading Galatians 6:7 in the Holy Bible. It reads, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth. That shall he also reap.”

Galatians 6:7. Holy Bible

What is the Almighty God saying here? Let me help you understand. He’s saying that whatever you do whether good or bad has consequences. The Lord God is not stupid, stupid, and will not let you get away with doing bad without you suffering for it, on the other hand, He will also bless you for all the good things you do.

The Law of Reaping and Sowing is one of my favorite laws in the Bible because it shows that our choices in life can make or break us. So, make the right choice today!

Love healing hearts,

Shirah Chante

PSListen to “Witch 2: Scapegoat You” for more insight on this topic.

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