Unleashing Your Inner Lion: God’s Blueprint for Fearless Living

Thank you for showing up. I truly appreciate you joining me on this journey to build lasting relationships. Today, we’re going to delve into some thoughts inspired by my song “People in the Street” featured on my show, Relationship Rock podcast. This isn’t just any chat; we’re bridging life’s gaps and taking on those proverbial lions that might be lurking in our paths.

Building on the Rock

When life’s roller coaster gets crazy, it’s tempting to allow chaos to dictate our relationships. But here’s the thing, true peace comes from keeping our eyes on the principles set out in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation, is my foundation. And let me tell you, He can be yours too. Say goodbye to the turmoil and embrace a love-filled, peaceful existence.

Facing the Lion in the Road

Have you ever had those moments where you feel like you’re telling yourself, “There’s a lion in the street, I can’t go out there!”? I know it sounds scary, but think about it, those lions are merely our excuses. Proverbs 26:13 says it best, laziness often disguises itself as fear. Don’t let false alarms stop you from pursuing what you’re meant to do.

The righteous are bold as a lion. If there was a lion in the street, I’m here to remind you that you too have that lion’s courage within you. So get up, go out there, and live your purpose with boldness and a dash of fearlessness! Even if the challenges are real, you’re equipped to roar right back.

Get Up and Go!

When that alarm clock rings, let’s shake off the desire to hit snooze. Instead, let’s decide together to choose action over excuses. There’s so much more out there for us, especially when we seek to align our will with God’s purpose. Don’t be the lazy person that the Bible cautions against; embrace the new journey and the tasks you’re destined to fulfill.

Remember, the world awaits our contributions. Whether it’s through small daily actions or big life changes, you have a role to play in renewing the earth. This is more than just living; it’s being a part of a bigger plan that leads to a new heaven and earth, a fresh start that we all love.

Join Me on This Journey

If you’ve not yet said yes to the Lion of Judah, you can do so now. Giving your life to Jesus transforms darkness into light, stagnation into motion. All it takes is a belief and a commitment to live no longer by excuses, but by actions and love.

I’m here to support you every step of the way. If you need guidance, reach out, let’s set up a time to chat about your personal faith journey. Remember, I love you, God loves you, and we’re in this together.

Until next time, embrace life with the ferocity of a lion and a heart full of love.

In love and peace,

God bless, Shirah Chante, Relationship Artist

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